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ROUTE 18 update

With the upcoming developments in Beeston and the introduction of the tram, we are taking steps to review our entire network in and around Beeston.

Although no final decision has been made, ROUTE 18 may be developed and one option we have been exploring includes running from the Rylands to Beeston and Stapleford integrating with buses and trams to Nottingham at the new Beeston interchange.

Should this option be used all areas currently served will continue to be served, although some people may need to connect for onward travel.

Any changes we make will be in the best interests for the majority of our customers and ensure future viability of our services for the communities we serve. At this moment in time no changes have been registered and nothing is set in stone.

We will continue to update you as things develop. As always we'd love to hear your views, please keep in touch on our trentbarton live pages, email us at talk@trentbarton.co.uk or pop in for a chat at one of our trentbarton shops.