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A52 Gamston Lock

Overnight from 8.00pm to 6.00am, Friday 13 to Monday 16 May, the A52 will be closed at Gamston Lock.

During this time, our mainline and cotgrave will divert different ways but they will miss the following stops:

  • Gamston Lock (both services)
  • Bassingfield Lane (both)
  • Service Station (both)
  • Holme House (cotgrave only)
  • Shepherds Park and Ride (cotgrave only - but mainline will serve this stop)
  • Golf and Country Club (cotgrave only - but mainline will serve this stop)
  • Canal Car Park (cotgrave only - but mainline will serve this stop)
  • Morkinshire Lane (cotgrave only - but mainline will serve this stop)

Please allow extra time for your journeys during this time.